
Comprehensive Real Estate Services in Greater Sydney

In today’s competitive real estate market, you need an agent with experience in a broad range of services.
From real estate sales and marketing to property development and management, the LynCorp team of property professionals have years of experience in every aspect of the industry. Their stellar customer
service and real estate expertise have made them greater Sydney’s real estate agency of choice.

Building - Rouse Garden

Project Marketing – Off the Plan

Marketing off-the-plan projects takes creativity and vision. Our property marketing specialists help prospective buyers envision themselves in their new homes, highlighting the quality, sustainability, and convenience they’ll enjoy when your project is complete. Our project marketing team has successfully rented out some of the Sydney area’s prime residential properties – and we can do the same for you.

Property Styling

If you’re selling a property, your goal is to maximise the return on your investment. In today’s competitive real estate market, you want to wow buyers with a great first impression. Our property styling experts can add designer cachet to your property, giving it the look that home buyers pay top dollar for.


Property Management – Residential

As a residential real estate investor, you want a property management service that takes the worry out of the picture. Our proactive property management team provide you with effective marketing, thorough tenant screening, and maintenance services that keep your property in excellent condition. From the time your tenant moves in, we keep a close eye on your property, conducting routine inspections, pursuing late payments, and repairing anything we find out of place.

Would you like to speak to an expert?

Our agents understand that you are doing more than simply buying a property and are proud to be able to help each and every client achieve their hopes and dreams.

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